Michael Hardware
Executive Vice-President
Michael Hardware has over 25 years’ experience of public relations and public affairs across a wide range of sectors working for international corporations, EU agencies, UK Government agencies and local authorities, and inward investment organisations.
Michael knows Romania well. His wife is Romanian, and he is a regular visitor to the country. He has worked with Chelgate’s Bucharest office since 2005, developing and pursuing various opportunities for UK and other international companies in Romania, in particular in construction, tourism and energy.
Michael has particularly strong links with the media. He was elected onto the council of the Chartered Institute of Journalists, the world’s oldest professional journalist organisation, in 2010, with responsibilities for finances, and membership marketing. He has been a member of the International Building Press (IBP) for more than 25 years, sitting on the executive committee for five years, two as honorary treasurer. He is an accomplished writer and columnist, making regular contributions to a number of business, consumer and trade publications.
He has also sat on executive committees of industry special interest groups in the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and in the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.